A House Divided – An Opera in Five Scenes

              A House Divided is a modern opera reflecting the 21st-century American political divide. Composed for soprano, tenor, piano, string quartet, and electronics, it was created to be presented as a web series, exploring the ever-expanding landscape of innovative lyric theatre production. With a runtime under 60 minutes, it may also be staged traditionally with a minimal set for an advanced opera workshop or university graduate opera program.

Supported in part by a Columbia College Chicago Faculty Development Grant.
With additional funding from Rachel Alma Thiessen.

Music and Libretto by

Philip Seward

Developed with

Tammie Huntington

Scene 1: The present, in the home of Tom and Amanda, the kitchen, late in the evening. Tom and Amanda arrive home from a fundraiser for their friend Jeanette who is facing a life-threatening illness. They argue over what kind of health care system would have protected Jeanette and the effectiveness of holding a fundraiser for medical bills in the American healthcare system. Amanda, a Republican, holds divergent views on the matter from her husband, Tom, a Democrat. As the anger level rises, they separate to get ready for bed.

Scene 2: Immediately following. Separately the two prepare for bed still caught up in the issues. They reflect on their own views and the inability of the other to understand.

Scene 3: The bedroom, immediately following. The argument continues, rising until Tom decides to sleep in the living room — sleeping separately for the first time in their marriage.

Scene 4: The bedroom and living room, during the night. Separately Tom and Amanda wrestle with the effect their political differences are having on their marriage. Each endures a restless night.

Scene 5: The kitchen, the next morning. The couple still cannot speak much to one another as the day begins. Amanda hopes to reconcile with the idea that the whole thing will blow over, while Tom cannot come to terms with what has happened.

Tammie Huntington

Dr. Tammie Huntington, Soprano, received her Doctor of Arts degree in Voice Performance with an emphasis in opera direction from Ball State University in 2008, where she produced and directed the world premiere of Fifty-Third Street, a new American opera by composer Jody Nagel.  Huntington has since presented her work on Fifty-Third Street at the Hawaii International Conference on the Arts and Humanities in 2009; the International Congress of Voice Teachers (poster presentation) in Paris, France, in 2009; the National Opera Association Annual Convention (poster presentation) in San Antonio, TX in 2011; and at the National Opera Association Annual Conference, Sacred in Opera Session, in Cleveland, OH, in January 2020. 

In 2010, Huntington, with colleagues Dr. Lisa Moore and Dr. Phoenix Park-Kim, formed the ensemble Soprani Compagni for the purpose of modeling soprano collaboration and commissioning new works for soprano duet.  Soprani Compagni had their Carnegie Hall debut in 2012, and performed in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at the College Music Society International Conference in 2013. Through a generous grant obtained from the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities in 2015, Soprani Compagni commissioned twelve new works for two sopranos and piano themed around Portraits of Women.  The compilation is available in a 2-CD album recording, available on all major streaming platforms, and published in a 2-Volume anthology.  Soprani Compagni spent 2016-2017 touring South Korea, Hong Kong, China and the U.S. with the Portraits of Women project, and performed at the International Congress of Voice Teachers at Stockholm, Sweden, in August of 2017. 

Huntington continues to be an active proponent of new music and new opera, recently recording and filming the role of “Amanda” in Philip Seward’s A House Divided, an operatic web series. She presently serves as Editor of the Sacred in Opera Newsletter for the National Opera Association, and as President for the Indiana Chapter of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. Huntington is a Professor of Music at Indiana Wesleyan University, where she teaches Applied Voice and Lyric Theatre studies.

Find more about Dr. Tammie Huntington on her website!

Philip seward

Composer, pianist and singer, Dr. Philip Seward, counts among his operatic works A House Divided which explores the American political divide, How to Date A Coloratura with soprano Patrice Boyd, Juliet commissioned by Soprani Compagni, Les Dames à trois…et piano, and the award-winning farce, High Fidelity which has run in both New York and Chicago; his musical works include the award-winning Hans Brinker has had a lengthy Chicago run along with his shows Nobody Likes Retsina, Juan Peron’s Hand and Sincerely Yours. The world-renowned Lyric Opera of Chicago commissioned three works for children including Stone Soup and A Noteworthy Tale while the Chapters Executive Board commissioned a musical memorial for former. General Director Ardis Krainik. The Chicago Tribune hailed his vocal writing as possessing “the charm of lovely light opera.”

Concert works include Sonnet which premiered at Symphony Center and Blessing which premiered in a live radio broadcast on WFMT both commissioned by the Lira Ensemble of Chicago, many a cappella choral works, including liturgical works and secular arrangements from classical to jazz.

Mr. Seward continues his work as a performing singer and pianist having premiered roles and sung many roles in the Midwest region and on national tours as well as European tours. Comfortable in both musical theatre and light opera, his favorite roles include Eisenstein, Sid the Serpent, Lt. Cable, John Japser, and roles in several new works. His opera, …And Piano Make Three garnered special attention in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Currently he is preparing the premiere of A House Divided with soprano Tammie Huntington — an experiment in the future of the operatic form.

Seward holds a DMA from the University of Salford, a Masters from Northwestern University, and double bachelor degrees from Wabash College. He also serves on the Music Faculty at Columbia College Chicago as Coordinator of Curriculum and Vocal Composition.

Find more about Philip Seward on his website!

For inquiries about performance rights, score perusal, and purchase, or to book a masterclass with the artists, please contact us below.